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PHP need help

Discussion in 'Web Development' started by number1, May 2, 2011.

  1. number1

    number1 New Member

    I have a contact form php coding that looks like this:
    It doesn't seem to be working. Can somone help me with this?

    //print "<pre>";
    //print_r ($_POST);exit;


    $message = "$name1_field, $name2_field. (zip code: $zipcode_field> $dayphone_field daytime phonenumber, $evenphone_field evening phone number, comments: $comments_field";
    $message = htmlentities($message);

    $headers ="MIME-Version: 1.0" ."/r/n";
    $headers .="Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" ."/r/n";
    $headers .="From: $email_field";

    mail("myemail@gmail.com", "A New Message From StayAtHomeSolutions.com", $message, $headers);

  2. tomw

    tomw Member

    I tried it and it worked. The first two lines of headers probably not needed. Read this, it might give you more info.