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PHP Yahoo hosting and Flash contact form

Discussion in 'Web Development' started by Alcor, Dec 10, 2006.

  1. Alcor

    Alcor New Member

    Anyone can help?

    I cant get my Flash contact form to use on a site hosted by yahoo.com. When i fill out the form; it gives an email error on my error log: "from" address not approved.."

    How can I change my contact.php so yahoo will think its comin from a yahoo site? thats my contact.php form below:


    $your_name = $_GET['name'];
    $your_email = $_GET['email'];
    $your_company = $_GET['company'];
    $your_phone = $_GET['phone'];
    $your_quote = $_GET['quote'];
    $your_quantity = $_GET['quantity'];
    $your_message = $_GET['message'];

    $recipient_email = "webmaster@first-impression-graphics.com";

    $subject = "from " . $your_email;
    $headers = "From: " . $your_name . " <" . $your_email . ">\n";
    $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1';

    $content = "<html><head><title>Request Form</title></head><body><br>";
    $content .= "Name:<b>" . $your_name . "</b><br>";
    $content .= "E-mail:<b>" . $your_email . "</b><br>";
    $content .= "Company:<b>" . $your_company . "</b><br>";
    $content .= "Phone:<b>" . $your_phone . "</b><br>";
    $content .= "Quote:<b>" . $your_quote . "</b><br>";
    $content .= "Quantity:<b>" . $your_quantity . "</b><br><hr><br>";
    $content .= $your_message;
    $content .= "<br></body></html>";

  2. webmast@

    webmast@ New Member

    you can't sorry!
  3. webmast@

    webmast@ New Member

    or at least, i can't!!!
  4. laumeng

    laumeng New Member

    What type of hosting?


    What type of hosting are you taking with yahoo? Linux or window hosting? I think there should be something you need to understand since the script itself play a very important roles when dealing with those form.

    Perhaps you can ask the help from the yahoo team. If you are looking for some ready site, you may go to www.joomla.org. all the thing is ready. Just install it into your website and you will get the site running

