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Pending Queue new ministry website

Discussion in 'Free Website Templates' started by Brian Bensching, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. Brian Bensching

    Brian Bensching New Member

    • Website URL:

    • Website description:
      A christian ministry designed to lead people to Christ and to help the born again christians learn more about Jesus.

    • The Structure of my website:
      The website consists of 6 pages but can be done with 5 by putting a donation box on each page instead of having 1 page just for donations. The 6 pages are home,about,media,members,donations and contact us. The header is just banner with out ministry name(Hope For The World Ministries). Simple enough to be easy to design but appealing to the eye. A prayer request box near the bottom of the pages which is where the donation box could also go if it don't get its own page.

    • My favorite template designs on Free Website Templates:
      1. https://freewebsitetemplates.com/preview/lollipops/index.html Colors are beautiful and appealing.

      2. http://www.wix.com/website-template...gn=ma_fwt&experiment_id=ma_html_fwt_temp_10_3 I like the layout and the coloring and i like the fact of putting my mouse on a picture and a title pops up.

      3. https://freewebsitetemplates.com/preview/charitytrust/index.html# Simple design but eye catchy with the pictures and the bright colors in the pictures.

    • Other websites whose design I like:
      1. http://oldtimebaptist.com/ i love the layout, colors and the overall design is outstanding.

      2. http://www.christianministriesintl.org/ over all desing is good. simple layout but easy to find things.

      3. http://globalchristianministries.org/gcm/welcome Another good layout. Colorful and eye catching.

    • Preferred colors:
      blue and red-blue background red font or vise versa
      red and black-red background and black font.
      but red is a preferred color since it stands for love and to my it reminds me how much god loves us.

    • Notes:
      I uploaded a zip of a layout that I like if it is any help on the layout style I am looking for but it is only an idea to help with the design process.

    Attached Files:

  2. Dawn

    Dawn Community Manager

    Welcome to FWT Brian!

    Thanks for the request – we really appreciate that it's very detailed :) I'm going to go ahead and approve it, so please watch this thread for updates on its status. You'll also be notified here if our designers have any further questions for you. In the meantime, do stick around and enjoy our forum :D
    Brian Bensching likes this.
  3. Brian Bensching

    Brian Bensching New Member

    Thank you very much